martes, 6 de mayo de 2008

Drunken rambling rhymes of Gene Hardy (of the black Hardys)

The richmen sleep in their beds of gold,
The gentile gentlemen in the harmonious halls,
The fair maidens in their fairer sheets,
The peepin’ toms by their keyholes,
The lost forgotten treasures by the sea floor,
The prisoners within their stone walls,
The dead in their hollow graves,
The junkies on their chemical crave,
The sick dream of health, the poor of wealth,
The lonely gripping their pillow tight
Wondering if they’ll make it through the night,
The robber by his stolen goods,
The consciously fat woman by the frozen foods,
The Jesus-freak with his wooden cross,
The lonely widow mourning her loved loss,
The guilty killer after drinking a gin with lime,
The unlucky banker dead at the scene of the crime,
The lucky gambler next to a hooker named Crystal,
The sad dying latvian hanging by his neck in the hostel,
But the old and the insane, aren’t really much for bedtime.

1 comentarios:

Blogger Malcriada ha dicho...

lo ame

6 de mayo de 2008, 22:57  

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