viernes, 9 de mayo de 2008


I see the light and the dark

All homogeneous to the eye

Mixed and beaten into a misunderstood tone of grey

Languages are being spoken that I do not speak

Symbols are being worn that I do not understand

Déjà vu, mishaps, random laughs

All which I despise, I despair


Because I have considered myself a humanist, son of science, science of god

I have thought the ideals, worn the symbols and misunderstood

Spirituality has been shaded, shaded by flexibility and Dionysus

Imposed because of what has to be thought and done

I am no humanist; I am no son of God

Everyone’s a parasite, I am a parasite because I want to belong, I want to do what’s never been done

I live for myself

O light, burn my eyes, make me blind

Show me that everything is more beautiful in the dark

Truth is change

Life is static

I find no comfort in pretending, in trying, in beauty

I get away in my mind and find only whispers, shades, burnt out ideals

Recycled goods, unoriginal thought and borrowed paths

But I have some faith in confusion

Its methods can only lead to order

This black hole we face, destroy me and break my mind

Free me from my borrowed self, from who I want to be

Am I becoming a saint or a fascist? Is there any difference between them?

I don’t love anyone but those that can say I exist, those I think mean something

I count them with my fingers and everyone else disappears

Quiet contemplation


Waves of silence, beauty

I sit alone facing myself, and I am happy

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